Online Class Notes (Li)


Complete the worksheet

Today we focused on:

Phrasal Verbs


put on/take off – clothes/shoes/glasses/watch

get along – be friendly with

eg. Hades gets along with his classmates.

eg. They don’t get along because they fight a lot.

look after – take care of sbd

eg. Hades looks after his younger brother.

look for – search; hunt

eg. I look for my watch.

put away/back – take it back to where it should be

eg. Put away your toys after you finish playing with them.

set up – put sth together (furniture/tent/computer)

eg. I bought a table from IKEA and then I spent 3 hours to set it up.

aside – on one side

eg. Step aside, I want to walk through the door.

eg. He put his book aside so that he has more space on the table.

set aside – put something away for use later

eg. set aside some money/water/food

knock down – hit something (vase/pot/glass)

eg. Jimmy knocked down the vase by accident.

enter – go in

eg. enter a house


Phrasal verbs – verb + preposition/adverbial particle

eg. wake up/get up

eg. get out

eg. run away