Online Class Notes (Vicki)

Today we focused on:



workbook CH 12


Present Simple 
use to describe a general fact or to describe an action that happens a lot 
i.e. I always go to school in the morning.

Present Continuous 
use to emphasize a specific action at the moment
i.e. I am eating right now.


president – ling dao
i.e. He is the president of the company.

energetic – full of energy
i.e. He is a very energetic person.

employee – yuan gong
i.e. He is my employee.

unfortunately – bu xing de
i.e. Unfortunately, he is not my friend anymore.

receptionist – qian tai
i.e. She is the receptionist at the front desk.

vacation – du jia
i.e. He is on vacation right now.

custodian – guan li yuan
i.e. I need to call the custodian to come fix the machine.

strike – ba gong
i.e. We are going on strike today.

direct – zhi hui
i.e. The police officer is directing traffic.

typical – normal
i.e. Today is not a typical day.

perspire – sweat
i.e. I perspire when I am nervous.

shiver – dou
i.e. I shiver when it is cold.

system – xi tong
i.e. I don’t like the education system.