Online Class Notes (Vicki)


Keep a event journal for the holiday season (Xmas and New Years)

Speaking exercise

Tell me about your xmas plan for this year

Actually I don’t have any plan for xmas. I want to make an appointment with my colleague who we work together in my last company. And I’m planning to have a hotpot with her and talk about my last company, such as the gossip news. I haven’t make other plans yet. I haven’t tell her the time and the place.

I’ve sent a gift for her daughter because she help me about the documents from my last job.

Actually I don’t have any plan for xmas. I want to make a date an appointment with my ex-colleague who worked together with me we work together in my last company. And I’m planning to have a hotpot dinner with her and talk about my last company, such as the gossip news. I haven’t made make other plans yet. I haven’t told tell her the time and the place.

I’ve sent a gift for her daughter because she helped me on the work documents from my last job. about the documents from my last job. 


70% off – 3 折

employee discount – special discount for employees
i.e. If you use my employee discount, it will be 50% off.

psychiatrist – a doctor for the mind
i.e. I went to see a psychiatrist today.

forced – done against its will
i.e. Some fusions are very focused and they do not work out.

Writing exercise

“Asian people should not celebrate western holidays.” Do you agree or disagree with the statement and why?

In my opinion , I don’t think it is really need to separate the events on western and eastern holidays.
nowadays , there are lots of events or holidays that we can touch from anywhere. If the countries don’t aggress and infult the original culture, I think we can celebrate together all the holidays. For exsample , X-mas, and hallowin day are very good events for kids , most kids are happy to receive a gift from their parents. even in China some kindergarden make a event for children on that days, which make the children a unforgettable memories.

In my opinion , I don’t think there is it is really a need to separate the events on western and eastern holidays.
Nowadays , there are lots of events or holidays that we can celebrate/enjoy/encounter/experience touch from anywhere. If the countries don’t aggress and insult the original culture, I think we can celebrate together all the holidays together. For example , X-mas, and halloween day are very good events for kids , most kids are happy to receive a gift from their parents. Even in China some kindergartens make an event for children on that those days, which gives make the children unforgettable memories.