Online Class Notes (Tibo) [S + R]

Speaking exercise

.Before April we can work from home 3 days and even before march we just work from home -> we could work . before march we just worked from home

we can get benefits from the government. It depends on different cities.

as I know it is a small amount which cannot support you the daily routine -> as I know it is a small amount which cannot support your daily life / usual lifestyle

I don’t think the money can afford the food -> they can’t even afford the food with the benefits they receive / the money they get is not enough to pay for the food

I don’t think the property is the only qualification, it needs lot of qualifications -> I don’t think the property is the only requirement, it needs lot of requirements

you need pay the amount. there is a threshold, if you earn a little money you cannot get the threshold -> you need to pay a certain amount if you only earn a little money you cannot reach the threshold

the Gaokao was delayed one month in July -> the Gaokao was delayed by one month to July


to afford  : have enough money to pay for something (must be used with an entity (person / company)
We lost many customers because of the virus so we laid off some employees because we couldn’t afford to pay their salaries anymore


Athens 雅典
We traveled to Athens

to ventilate : to let air in and out
We ventilate the room by opening the window

ventilation (n) system moving air in and out
The ventilation system was turned off because of the virus

paper application (n) : application on paper
he prefers paper applications because he doesn’t know how to use a computer

state owned companies : companies belonging to the state
China Telecom is a state owned company

pilgrim (n) : original people who left Europe and went to the new world (US)
On Thanksgiving we celebrate the help the pilgrims received.