Online Class Notes (Tibo) [S]

Today we focused on:

discussed black lives matter movement

Speaking exercise

I think our company business will less good than the first quarter but the sales is quite unbelievable.
There is many work to do so we are still busy. We have export business. We are not allowed to travel abroad but we can domestic travel but we have to get approval from CEO.

if you travel leisure you have to report to HR.
If you travel to BJ now you will have to be self isolated at home for 2 weeks.

compared the other countries it is not a high number.

I think also within the Covid 19 period many people were… it would impact people’s lives especially those poor people and unluckily majority of the poor people are black man so they are hardly to continue their lives so they think the government should pay more attention to black people’s lives.
The reason they painted that is they want the government to notice their needs and their lives can be improved.

I think in China we are peaceful and we respect every people. each level of the people. it is our policy so that is the difference. Within this pandemic when we meet with the Covid 19 the government spent a lot of money on the medical system. every patient will pay nothing for the cost. That means the life is the most important so Chinese people are not so scared like the beginning of the virus.

the reason why in the other countries the government policy is different and the political structure is different.

I have heard some American people they said they have paid a lot for the Covid 19 cost.
I think it depends on different people. it is not for all the people. Different people have different solutions.
Different states may have different policies.

recently I have read a lot of news about the government takes great efforts to reduce the number of poor people.
The number has decreased a lot so this is the main project for the government. They take focus on the life of the poor people and they provide tech knowledge or the manpower to help the poor areas to increase their economy.

they think their life will be better in the future. the government gives them hope


I thought our company business wouldn’t be as good as/ would be worse than the first quarter but the sales are quite unbelievable / are much higher than we expected.

There is much work / many tasks to do so we are still busy. We are an export business. We are not allowed to travel abroad but we can do domestic travel/ travel domestically but we have to get approval from the CEO.

if you travel for leisure you have to report to HR.
If you travel to BJ now you will have to be self isolated/ be quarantined at home for 2 weeks.

compared the other countries it is not a high number.

I think also within the Covid 19 period many people were furloughed it impacted people’s lives especially those poor people and unluckily majority of the poor people are black people so their life quality dropped / they are worried financially so they think the government should pay more attention to black people’s lives. /they are in a precarious financial situation
The reason they painted that is they want the government to notice their needs and their lives can be improved. /

I think in China we are peaceful and we respect everyone.
people are treated the same no matter their race/income
it is our policy so that is the difference.
Within this pandemic when we met with the Covid 19 the government spent a lot of money on the medical system / the government allocated a lot of money to hospital. Patient do not have to pay hospital fees. / the government covers hospital fees for everyone.
That means life is the most important so Chinese people are not so scared like at the beginning of the virus.

The reason for the movement is that in the other countries the government policy is different and the political structure is different.

recently I have read a lot of news about the government taking great efforts to reduce the number of poor people. / to raise people out of poverty
The number has decreased a lot so this is the main project for the government / this is a priority for the government. T
hey take focus on the life of the poor people and they provide technology  or the manpower to help the poor areas to increase their economy. / they give incentives to companies to invest in poorer areas.
they think their life will be better in the future. the government gives them hope


precarious (adj) : uncertain / not secure
He just lost his job so his life is quite precarious

to furlough (v) when you ask employees not to come to work but you do not lay them off either (can be with or without pay)
Because of Covid 19 factory workers were furloughed with 50% pay

politician (n) : someone working in politics
He is a politician and he will run for congress next year.

political (adj)
This was a political move.

black lives matter  (BLM) : movement which starts with the death of George Flyod in the US
The BLM movement is spreading around the world

satellite (n): something that moves in orbit around a planet
We use satellites to communicate around the world

protest (n/v) : show you disagree with something / when people take the streets to show they disagree with something
Some people took the streets to protest against the new law.
I didn’t want to join the protest

protester (n) someone joining a protest
There were 100,000 protesters last night


work is uncountable
There is much work to do

don’t use level to talk about people
you can talk about social classes instead