Online Class Notes (Tibo) [S]

Speaking exercise

I think definitely he conspired to win the next election. I don’t really like trump, everybody doesn’t like trump now.
So my general idea about him was discrimination. it was all related to protectionism. he tried to protect the us from outside of the world . but it caused emigration colorism, racism.
I only have like bad reputation image of him probably because I am an asian and I want to emigrate to the US. and I heard after he got the president position it is difficult to emigrate to the US as an asian.

we often have scandals about the president. the previous president, the first female president in Korea. It is really to explain.
actually she didn’t really finish her period of the president because Korean take her out.
Everybody protested and public realized she is not qualified and she did really bad related to finance and she didn’t really does her duty as a president so there was a long and noisy protest about her to leave.

he tries to do something different from the others. ties to make some changes and listen to the public and he also cares about equality work life balance for people. after he got the president the economy, wellness is getting better.

his slogan was I will give you holidays.

We can’t overwork 50 hours per week it is getting stricter.

I definitely think he conspired to win the next election. I don’t really like Trump, Nobody likes Trump now. 
When I think about him I think about/ the first thing that comes to my mind is discrimination. I associate trump with discrimination.
it was all related to protectionism. he tried to protect the US from the outside world / other countries . but it encouraged/lead to racism.
I have a bad image of him / he has a bad reputation probably because I am asian and I want to emigrate to the US. and I heard after he got the presidency/after he became president it became difficult to emigrate to the US as an asian person.

we often have scandals about the president. the previous president, the first female president in Korea.
actually she didn’t really finish her presidency / her mandate because Koreans took her out /forced her to resign/she was impeached.
Everybody protested and the public realized she was not qualified and she accepted bribes and she didn’t really do her duty correctly as a president so there was a long and noisy protest about impeaching her.

he tries to do something different from the others. to make some changes and listens to the public and he also cares about gender equality and work life balance for people/citizens. after he got the presidency the economy, welfare is getting better.
his slogan was I will give you more holidays.

We can’t work overtime / work more than 50 hours per week it is getting stricter.


to step down: to resign
the president had to step down because of the protests.

impeachment: when someone in a position of power doesn’t behave well and people force him/her out
The parliament voted on the impeachment of the president and they impeached him.

mandate: approval to do something
After serving a first mandate, the president decided to run for reelection.
President Obama served 2 mandates as president of the US.

protectionism: the idea that one’s country should be protected and that free trade is not beneficial
Trump has some protectionist ideas.

nationalism : the idea that one’s nation is better / self sufficient
There was a fight between some extreme nationalist and some immigrants in a bar

racism : bias based on race/ skin color.
Racism is illegal.

a rally: an event during which you try to get people to vote for you
Trump held a rally in Michigan.

to rally: to gather people / regroup
He tried to rally people under the cause that nature was worth protecting
after the defeat, the soldiers rallied in Beijing.

a bribe: when you give a gift to someone so that he choses in your favor.
We got the deal but the salesman had to give a bribe to the official.

interference: when a signal is not clear / intrusion
I like watching tv, but when it rains there are interference and I decided to wait tomorrow.

to interfere: affect
you should not let your emotions interfere with your job

to conspire: to plot/ to make a secret plan
Tom conspired to kill the king but the police arrested him before he managed to get close enough.

a conspiracy : a plot / secret plan
The colleague that conspired with the agency and was corrupted was fired and had to go to jail.

vindication: proof that someone/or something is right / get cleared of suspicions
The report brought vindication that trump didn’t conspire with Russia.
Trump worked hard to get full vindication

everybody doesn’t smoke in my office -> nobody smokes in my office.