Online Class Notes (Raph)


Protagonist (n): 1- an important character in a story or play. 2- an important supporter of an idea or political system.
E.g.: The show’s protagonist is the main
E.g.: Key protagonists of the revolution were hunted down and executed.

Understudy (n): 1- an actor who learns the parts of other actors in a play, so that he or she can replace them if necessary, for example if they are ill.
E.g.: An understudy took over for the rest of the performance and the evening show.
E.g.: Understudies never know when they might have to go on.

Synonym (n): 1- a word or phrase that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or phrase in the same language.
E.g.: The words “small” and “little” are synonyms.
E.g.: Do you know any synonyms for the word “increase”?

Compel (v): 1- to force someone to do something. 2- formal to produce a strong feeling or reaction.
E.g.: As a schoolboy he was compelled to wear shorts even in winter.
E.g.: Over the years her work has compelled universal admiration and trust.

Compulsory (adj): 1- if something is compulsory, you must do it because of a rule or law.
E.g.: Swimming was compulsory at my school.
E.g.: The law made wearing seat belts in cars compulsory.

Hike (n): 1- an increase in the cost of something, especially a large or unwanted increase.
E.g.: The recent hike in train fares came as a shock to commuters.

Increment (n): 1- one of a series of increases.
E.g.: You will receive annual salary/pay increments every September.

Surge (n): 1- a sudden and great increase.
E.g.: An unexpected surge in electrical power caused the computer to crash.
E.g.: There has been a surge in house prices recently.

Upsurge (n): 1- a sudden and usually large increase in something.
E.g.: An upsurge of/in violence in the district has been linked to increased unemployment.

Passive-aggressive (adj): 1- showing an unwillingness to be helpful or friendly, without expressing your anger openly.
E.g.: I don’t appreciate her passive-aggressive behavior.
E.g.: Although he didn’t say it out loud, his passive-aggressive behavior showed her he was angry.


Horrific: /həˈrɪf.ɪk/

Doomsday: /ˈduːmz.deɪ/

Synonym:  /ˈsɪn.ə.nɪm/

Photographer: /fəˈtɑː.ɡrə.fɚ/

Photography: /fəˈtɑː.ɡrə.fi/

Photograph (=Photo): /ˈfoʊ.t̬oʊ.ɡræf/

Subordinate: /səˈbɔːr.dən.ət/