Online Class Notes (Nick) [W]


Keep working on the workshop script.


Are you picking up what I’m putting down? – do you understand? (informal)

Ruler – 迟

Hello? I can’t hear you thinking – when someone doesn’t respond to a question

I can see the gears working / can you see the smoke coming out of his ears? – these are both the opposite of the previous one, the first is regular thinking, and the second is thinking very hard (like an old steam engine, or if you are thinking so hard that your brain has caught fire)


We have to awake the muscles – we have to wake your muscles up / we have to awaken your muscles

Writing exercise

So today I will help you help you awake / engage your hip-rotator muscles and some core exercises to achieve some asana you might want to do. Before we start class / start moving, I have a question for you. What kind of hip positions / pelvis positions will help you open you hips or help you rotate your femur bone? Posterior or anterior.

So today I will first help you help you bring awareness to your hip-rotator muscles, and then we will do some core exercises to achieve some hip-focused asana** you might want to do. Before we start class / start moving, I have a question for you: what kind of pelvis positions will facilitate hip-opening? Or asked another way, what positions will help you to be able to rotate your femur bone? A posterior or anterior position?

** some asana that focus on hip movement.

The answer is: posterior. When the pelvis is in the neutral position or slightly posterior, that create more space to rotate in the hip socket / creates more space for the femur to rotate in the hip socket. On the other hand, if your hip position is in anterior, it causes your chest thoracic spine to lock and hip joint compressed. Today we will focus on that to bring your sexy core and healthy hip back. Please stand up and show your trikonasana, I pick up some students for a example but if you don’t want to donate your body, please let me know I can pick another person.

The answer is: posterior. When the pelvis is in a neutral position, or slightly posterior, that creates more space to rotate in the hip socket / creates more space for the femur to rotate in the hip socket. On the other hand, if your hip position is in an anterior position, it causes your chest thoracic vertebrae spine to lock and your hip joint to compress. Today we will focus on hip-positioning to bring your sexy core and healthy hip back / unlock a sexy core and healthy hips / build a sexy core and unlock / open your hips. Please stand up and show me your trikonasana. I will pick out some students for as an example / as examples but if you don’t want to donate your body, please just let me know and I can pick another person.