Online Class Notes (Nick) [S]


Write an introduction for the new lipstick product.
How are you going to promote it in the market?

Practice the word “exhibitor.”


Slave – someone who is owned by someone else, like property
Prostitute – someone who sells sex
e.g. If you are “selling yourself,” that means you are either a slave or a prostitute (not good options).

Year-end-review – when a business looks at its performance during that year to see if it was good, and how to be better in the next year; maybe when you do it personally as well
e.g. At our company we all have to submit reports for the year-end-review.
New Year’s Resolutions – what you promise to do in the next year, usually for self-improvement
e.g. In December we have to start thinking about our New Year’s Resolutions.

Will – the ability to get yourself or others to do something
e.g. New Year’s Resolutions are not enough, you must also have the will to achieve them!

Overseas – in foreign countries (has an “s” at the end)

Real Estate – property in land or buildings
Residential – related to houses, apartments, places where people live
Commercial – related to businesses, where they do their work
e.g. The exhibition was about overseas commercial real estate.

Found – past tense of “find”; to create something, like company or an important group
e.g. The University of Illinois was founded in 1867 (the University was created in 1867)

Booth – a small, often closed area for doing something
e.g. Tables with benches instead of chairs at a restaurant are booths.
e.g. London is famous for it’s red telephone booths.
e.g. At an exhibition, you can buy the right to use a booth to promote your company.

Stall – a small building, often for storing things, or for selling food on the street
e.g. On certain streets you can find food stalls selling cheap and tasty food.

To have in mind – something that you expect or you want
e.g. What I had in mind was different from this (I expected something else)
e.g. For dinner tonight, I had in mind green beans (I want to eat green beans)

Green Beans – 豆角

Pigment – something that gives color to something else
e.g. Pigments in lipstick give them color.
e.g. Skin pigment is what makes you look tan in the summer.

Global – something on the whole world


They want to sell themselves to others – they want to sell their houses / properties
They want to promote their businesses
— To sell yourself is to be a slave or a prostitute.

I had some friends come to Shanghai
— They arrived some time in the past.
I have/had some friends who came to Shanghai
— These friends came, and are now gone.
— The simple past means that an action is finished.
I have some friends coming to Shanghai
— They plan to come in the future.

Uses of “so”
To show cause, like “because”:
e.g. It was raining, so I brought an umbrella = Because it was raining, I brought an umbrella.
To show the result of something
e.g. My friends came to Shanghai, so we had lunch (the natural thing to do when a friend comes to visit, is to take them for lunch)

Good vs. Well – adjective vs. adverb

I will have a product launch after two weeks – in two weeks

Speaking exercise

I had three parties yesterday, because I am so popular! I am just kidding. I had some friends came to Shanghai, so we had lunch and dinners. Yesterday morning I went to the LPS. It’s about exhibition. It’s about the house property, outside. Oversea house property. The people who found the exhibition. Two of my friends is the exhibitor of the exhibition. So they invited me to came to this place. It’s not what I imagined before, it’s so different with what I imagined. The lunch time is good time, but the exhibition is not so well.

I had three parties yesterday, because I am so popular! I am just kidding. I had some friends come / who came to Shanghai, so we had lunch and dinner. Yesterday morning I went to the LPS. It’s an exhibition. It’s about overseas real estate. The people who found the exhibition. Two of my friends had a booth / stall / spot at the exhibition. So they invited me to come there / to attend. It was not what I imagined / had in mind before. It was so different from with what I imagined (it would be). The lunch was fun** time is good time, but the exhibition was not so good / interesting / fun.

** We had a good time at lunch, but the exhibition was not so good.


Exhibitor – eks – ih – bi – ter (eggs – ih – bi – ter)

Matte – mat