Online Class Notes (Nick)


Pick a special thing that you did in Iceland and tell a detailed story about it.


Thick/Heavy – words for clothes that are very warm
e.g. I have a coat with goose feather which is very thick and warm.
e.g. I have another coat which is very thick and is good for keeping out the wind.

Spirit – the feeling of a place, especially during a special time
e.g. In Iceland I didn’t feel any of the holiday spirit, because they don’t celebrate the Chinese New Year.

Thermos – a bottle that can keep something hot or cold for a long time (also a brand of this kind of bottle)
e.g. This kind of bottle is very common in China for storing boiled water so that it stays warm.

Cereal – 麦片
e.g. Something that American’s like to eat with cold milk for breakfast.

Porridge – 粥

Taro – 芋艿

Bread bowl – when you put soup in a bowl made of bread

Crust – the outside part of the bread that becomes hard, crunchy, crispy when you bake it

Style – a way of doing something
e.g. There are many different styles of cooking in Chinese food.


They celebrate CNY in there – only use “in” when something contains something else

Chinese food is good than the others – better than
— English uses a form of a word to compare two things, usually with “-er”
e.g. Chinese food is better than American food.
e.g. He is taller than she is / He is taller than her


Dragon vs. Drug in – Drag like in “bag,” vs. drug like in “hug”