Online Class Notes (Nick)


Develop and outline (with transitions!), then write out the full text, and then try to give the presentation a few times, including pausing for questions.

If you want it checked, send in an email service.


Culmination – a final event that is the result and best example of what came before
e.g. This super-workshop is the culmination of a series of workshops in smaller cities.
e.g. This game is against a very strong opponent, it will be the culmination of all of our training, requiring all of our skills.

Props vs. Equipment – props are usually for theater, like tables and cups; equipment is more what you use to do something, to achieve some purpose

Borrow vs. Lend – borrow is to ask someone for something; to give someone something (both for free)
Rent – to pay money to use something; use “from” and “to” to indicate direction
e.g. I rented a boat from him for the weekend (I paid to use his boat)
e.g. I rented him a boat for the weekend (he paid me to use the boat)


In the middle of the March – In the middle of March

What the classes we offer – the classes we offer

Will vs. Regular (present) – will is more definite in the future, the present is general

Mention about – no preposition needed with mention

Brief – use “with” to say who helps you do it, and use “on” to indicate what you are talking to someone about (introduce the topic)
e.g. I will brief the trainers on the schedule with our manager (you are talking about the schedule, and you and the manager are doing the briefing together)

Use “during” for something that happened within the time period of something else

Coming vs. traveling – traveling is usually away; it makes us think about having to do some work to move yourself around


Paper vs. Pepper – pay-per vs. pep – er