Online Class Notes (Nicholas)(S)


maternity leave / parental leave / benefits from a company so employees can take paid-time off work to have babies

fertility / the ability to have children (i.e. the mother or the father’s health and ability to have a baby)

maternity / maternal / refers to mother or motherly

paternity / paternal / refers to the father or fatherly

fraternity / fraternal / refers to brother or brotherly

sorority / refers to sisters or a sisterhood 

pay “out-of-pocket” / insurance doesn’t cover the cost – you must pay with your own funds/money

e.g. Usually when people pay out of pocket they are more careful with which service they choose for like the quality and the cost – because it’s their own money.


in the USA society / in American society / in Chinese society

Speaking exercise

In one sentence, keep all of the subjects the same such as I and my or we and our. Keep these kinds of nouns together.

I haven’t think thought about it before. This is a kind of health problem  – in China when we are sick part of my our hospital costs are covered by the govt if you go because I got to the a public hospital – if a couple has difficulty to have the having a baby – in my opinion it’s a kind of health problem/this can be considered a health problem – it’s similar to you get getting a cold or other health problems/diseases/sicknesses – so it is reasonable for the government to cover the cost — by the government even if it’s only part of it.

Take away THE + make the noun plural.

Use the word “a” like “they want to have a baby” when the noun is one of many (i.e. there are many babies you could have but you just want one….)

Remember to add the word “if” before a hypothetical/non-real situation like “imagine if..”

Secondly, China is also facing the this problem of people having babies later in life and even some they don’t want to have babies. So this policy will would encourage the young peoples to have the baby babies.

Of course there is are obvious or significant impact effects on your career/Of course this will obviously impact your career  – because you need to break take 4-6 months off work/to take a 4-6 month break and when you are pregnant you cannot take on too much many responsibilities for from your job – and this will impact your career path. I think this is… the reason recently why people have less wish desire to have the a baby.And also if you have the a kid you need take more time or put in more efforts in your family life/with your family – this will also have influence on your career