Online Class Notes (Nicholas)(S)


When you say verbs, focus on making the last letter your final, strong sound. Don’t add “uh” to the word.

not “needa do something” / need to do something

work / not worka

don’t /

went to / not went-uh to


to fast/ fasting / to go for a time without eating

e.g Nick isn’t eating breakfast or lunch today, he will be fasting.

e.g. Nick is trying to lose weight so he decided to fast/to do a fast.

to lie / 谎言 / to not tell the truth

e.g. When children are young, sometimes they will lie so that their parents aren’t angry with them.

e.g. The young boy was caught lying in school to his teacher.

a white lie / this is a lie that doesn’t hurt anybody, it’s not too serious, and you just don’t want to hurt the other person’s feelings

e.g. My girlfriend asked me “do I look fat in this dress?” and I said “no”! Actually she did look fat, but I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, so I told her a little white lie.

celebrity /ming ren /famous person

e.g. Angela Baby is Nicholas’ favorite celebrity.

to want = to demand

e.g. When people demand certain things, they want them very strongly.

e.g. The singer ended his concert but the audience demanded he play one more song!

e.g. The little boy was still hungry after dinner and demanded more food from his mother.

in-person / you have a meeting face-to-face with someone in real life, not by video conference or phone call

e.g. Emma prefers in-person tutoring sessions as opposed to WeChat sessions.

over-the-phone / talking by a phone call

e.g. I’m not available for an in-person meeting, but we can talk over the phone.

via video chat / talking with video conference/call

e.g. Do you want to have an English lesson via video chat?

yoga studio / the place you practice yoga

e.g. Emma goes to the yoga studio three times a week.

goat / 山羊

e.g. Some funny Americans will do “baby goat yoga” where they have a yoga session (class) with baby goats running around the room.

psychologist / a doctor for healthy thinking

e.g. Usually if you talk to a psychologist, they will help you think more clearly and think in a more healthy manner.

physical heath / the health of your body

e.g. Emma goes to yoga for her physical health.

mental health / this is the health of your thinking or brain or mind.

e.g. Emma reads books and paints for her mental health.

e.g. Your physical health affects your mental health. Usually if you exercise you will think more clearly.

Speaking exercise

In fact, I don’t want to be a famous person. Because I don’t think I can do well if I become famous. Because when you are a famous person you needa do everything – when you are a famous person your leisure consider – you need a consider the thought of the public before you do something and most of thing you do, a lot of people will praise you but also other people will think you just make a show.

In fact, I don’t/wouldn’t want to be a famous person. Because I don’t think I can would do well if I become became famous. Because when you are a famous person/celebrity you need to do everything your schedule depends on what the public demands/wants, not what you personally want  – when you are a famous person your leisure consider you don’t have much time for yourself – you need to consider the thoughts of the public before you do something/anything and most of the things you do a lot of people will praise you but also other people will think you just make a show. will be praised by others, but some people will think it’s “all for show” or not sincere.

I think money is important because – if you have a lot of money you can do everything you want and don’t need to think how to get money and you can help others and traveling or begin a hobby.

I think money is important because if you have a lot of money you can do everything anything you want and you don’t need to think about  how to get the money and you can help others as well as travel and traveling or begin a new hobby.

When you say a lie you need to make another lies to make other people believe you and it’s a not sincerely for you to make friends.  Sometimes when one of my friends want me to accompany her to shopping if I don’t want to go out I will say “I have a lot of things to do” .

When you say a lie you need you’ll have to make another lies to make other people believe you and it’s a not a sincerely for you way of making to make friends.  Sometimes when one of my friends wants me to accompany her to go shopping if I don’t want to go out I will say “I have a lot of things to do”.

For my body healthy I most go to the gym for yoga and almost go to the gym for yoga class and other class about three times in a week. Just for relax my body. About two years in the gym. I keep reading and enjoy painting.

For my body physical healthy I mostly go to the gym for yoga and I almost go to the gym for yoga class and other classes about three times in a week. I go to yoga just for to relax my body/for body relaxation. I have gone to yoga for about two years in the gym. For my mental health, I keep enjoy reading and I enjoy painting.