Online Class Notes (Nicholas)

Needs more review

Vocabulary Quiz from last week.

Next Class Focus

to be situated in – give an example! 


American exceptionalism – the idea that America is an exceptional nation, almost to the point of arrogance
e.g. Many people in the US are American exceptionalists.

I look at it from many different ways / [from different vantage points] / [from different angles]

We need to upgrade the look / we need to change the look / we need to enhance the look / we need to modify the look

determinism –  everything happens for a reason – your life is determined before you’re born
e.g. I believe in determinism that makes me a determinist.

make myself get off that negative energy / switch up my outlook / change my outlook / it gave me really negative “vibes”

headspace – way of thinking – a fog or a way of thinking that you’re stuck in that you wanna change
e.g. I will listen to music to change my headspace because before I was in a negative headspace.

“a rut” – a temporary time of negative thinking
e.g. Sometimes I find myself in a rut where I just feel depressed for like a couple weeks.
e.g. I’m just in a rut lately.

mindset – your way of thinking about an issue – the process of your thinking – or how you think
e.g. She has very negative mindset.

mentality / mindset / perspective / [accustomed to thinking a certain way] / think about things from a new perspective

“you’re thinking about this the wrong way” / “your thought process is off”

Sigmund Freud – 西格蒙德·弗洛伊德
psychoanalysis – your childhood affects your behavior today
dream analysis – studying your dreams for a hidden meaning

trance – æ惚
e.g. The psychologist put Daisy in a trance.

recurring – to happen again and again
e.g. Daisy has a recurring dream involving water.

expanse – 广阔 – a wide open space
e.g. I looked out into the expanse and saw a mountain exploding.

to be situated in

sage – 圣人

representation” – minority groups want to see people who look like them in movies and advertisements


what could be happened in the past
would could have happened in the past
what had happened in the past

much smaller than I expect
much smaller than I imagined / expected
much smaller than I had expected

when I visit my relative or friends
when I visit my relatives or friends

When I walking on the street
When I was walking on the street

and there’s no fish or anything else
and there’s no fish or anything else

you can make your imagination go wild
you can let your imagination run wild


psychologist – sie-coll-li-gist