Online Class Notes (Nicholas)


culturally insensitive / you’re notĀ respecting other people’s cultures

e.g. Dolce & Gabana’s advertisement featuring chopsticks and pizza was culturally insensitive towards Chinese people.

mental health / the health of your mind

e.g. Some people in SH like to practice yoga when they are not working to improve their mental health.

mystique / ē„žē§˜ę„Ÿ

e.g. Unfortunately the actor who killed himself now has a certain mystique about him.

tortured artist / someone so brilliant that they can no longer live comfortably in this world

eg. Vincent van Gough is the most famous tortured artist.

Kurt Cobain / lead singer of Nirvana

e.g. Kurt Cobain is another example of a talented, but tortured artist.

I’m sorry that you’re going through this / I’m sorry that you are experiencing thisĀ 

passed away / die

e.g. I’m so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine what you are going through. If there’s anything I can do to make you feel better, please tell me.

to make things right / to correct a bad situation

e.g. Mercedes Benz made things right with this woman by giving her a new car, and throwing her a birthday party.

forgive me / please forgive me

pardon me /Ā if I bump into someone andĀ I am sorry about it

e.g. Pardon me, would you mind say that again?


accuse him to be a gay / accuse himĀ of being gay

he has already made the decision / heĀ already madeĀ hisĀ decision

Be careful of him vs. her / he vs. she

On one hand…and on another hand

and just don’t regret about what you have done /Ā and justĀ never regretĀ what you have done

and arguing with the salesperson / andĀ argued with the salesperson

because they are run out of gas / because theyĀ ran out of gas

Talking about a story – use past tense

they think cat and dog are equal to all other animals /Ā they thinkĀ cats and dogs are equalĀ to every otherĀ animal

and she cannot find the dog / and sheĀ couldn’tĀ find the dog