Online Class Notes (Nemo)[S]


schedule (n): a list of planned activities or things to be done showing the times or dates when they are intended to happen or be done
a production schedule
a hectic/tight (= very busy) schedule
Everything went according to schedule (= as had been planned).

district (n): an area of a country or town that has fixed borders that are used for official purposes, or that has a particular feature that makes it different from surrounding areas
the business district of New York
the Lake District/the Peak District

emotional (adj): having and expressing strong feelings
He’s a very emotional man.
I felt quite emotional during the wedding ceremony.

my, your, etc. treat [ N ]
an occasion when I, you, etc. buy or pay for something for another person
No, you paid for dinner last time – this is my treat.

hardware (n): the physical and electronic parts of a computer, rather than the instructions it follows

software (n): the instructions that control what a computer does; computer programs
He’s written a piece of software that does your taxes for you.

programmer (n): a person whose job is to produce computer programs

programming language-程序设计语言


he is still in school = he is still a student
he is still at school = he still hasn’t come back from school today

I am in my/the office. = My office is a room and I am in that room.
I am at my/the office. = I am somewhere near my office or in it. I am at work.

Speaking exercise

Tomorrow I need to go to school and they should give me schedule and maybe they will give me some book, also my parents should go to the school to find my new teacher and they will make a talk, and we will go back to home. The name of the school Yangbo and it’s in Zhabei. The school is far away, I go to there by the bus and by the underground. We had a lunch party and the teacher paid for it.  After high school, I want to become a programmer. In the afternoon one o’clock.

Tomorrow I need to go to the school, there they should give me a schedule and/ also maybe they will give me some books, also my parents should go to the school to meet my new teacher and they will have a talk after that we will go back to home. The name of the school is Yangbo and it’s in Zhabei district. The school is far away, I’ll go to there by bus and by the underground/subway. We had a lunch party and the teacher paid for it/it was my teacher’s treat.  After high school, I want to become a programmer. I should be at the school in the afternoon at one o’clock.