Online Class Notes (Nemo)

Dear Boss,

As per our conversation about the HuaMin and TopTown overseas business coverage country.
HauMin covered 76 countries and TopTown covered 75 countries.
Please see the below information for their Top 20 for your reference.

Dear Boss,

As per our conversation about the HuaMin and TopTown overseas business coverage,
HuaMin covered 76 countries and TopTown covered 75 countries.
Please see the below attached table for their Top 20 for your reference.


I worked as a receptionist

We’ve invited 30 people to our party.

prompt (adj):(of an action) done quickly and without delay, or (of a person) acting quickly or arriving at the arranged time
They’ve written back already – that was a very prompt reply.
They’re usually fairly prompt in dealing with enquiries.

Thank you for your [quick, fast, prompt, timely, …] reply to my [email, request, inquiry, etc.]. The information was [valuable, useful, most interesting] to me.

Please see attached for…(document name/description)
Attached is …. / …. is attached / ……, as attached
eg. The report has been updated to reflect these changes, as attached.
eg2. Please see attached for the weekly report as per our recent meeting.

Please see the attachment, which is a report regarding ….
The attachment is a report regarding….
Please see the attachment in this email.
Please refer to… (the above/below / the attachment) – please look at/pay attention to
eg. Please refer to the below schedule for this week…
eg2. Please refer to the attachment for further details..