Online Class Notes (Nemo)

launch (v/n): 开展(重大活动);发起,发动(军事袭击等)
To launch a large and important activity, to begin something such as a plan or introduce something new such as a product:
E.g.: The programme was launched a year ago.
E.g.: The airline will launch its new transatlantic service next month.

although (conjuction ): 1-despite the fact that:
E.g.: She walked home by herself, although she knew that it was dangerous.
E.g.: He decided to go, although I begged him not to.

from beginning to end.

scarcely (adj): 1-almost not:
E.g.: I was scarcely able to move my arm after the accident.
E.g.: I could scarcely believe it when she said she wanted to marry me.

Iceland is scarcely populated

forest 森林


windy (adj):with a lot of wind:
E.g.: It was a windy night.
E.g.: It was wet and windy for most of the week.