Online Class Notes (Nemo)

I really like your new GLASSES

I like to walk slowly 
this computer is really slow
He’s a slow walker.

slow/clear/loud/ironic ADJECTIVES
slowly/clearly/loudly/ironically ADVERBS

judy told me to come to the office. ACTIVE
I was told by judy to come to the office PASSIVE


French press

in bold (type/print)-printed in thick dark letters
E.g: This sentence is printed in bold.

bald (adj):with little or no hair on the head
E.g: At 20 he was already going bald.

baldy (n): an unkind name for someone who has lost or is losing the hair on their head
E.g: “Hey, baldy!”

day off-a day when you do not have to work or do something that you normally do
E.g: I won’t be in on Thursday – it’s my day off.
E.g: She’s taking three days off next week.

ironic (adj):showing that you really mean the opposite of what you are saying
E.g: an ironic comment/reply

ironically (adv):in a way that suggests you mean the opposite of what you are saying, or are not serious:
E.g: The tone of the novel is ironically comic.
E.g: She smiled ironically.

sarcastic (adj):using sarcasm
E.g: a sarcastic comment/remark
E.g: Are you being sarcastic?

sarcastically (adv):in a way that uses remarks that clearly mean the opposite of what you say, in order to hurt someone’s feelings or to humorously criticize something:
E.g: “Thanks so much for your help,” Tim said sarcastically.
E.g: They refer to him sarcastically as “Mr Safety”

sarcasm (n):the use of remarks that clearly mean the opposite of what they say, made in order to hurt someone’s feelings or to criticize something in a humorous way:
E.g: “You have been working hard,” he said with heavy sarcasm, as he looked at the empty page.

passive-aggressive(adj)showing an unwillingness to be helpful or friendly, without expressing your anger openly:
E.g: passive-aggressive behavior

bon appetit
a phrase, originally from French, meaning “good appetite”, said to someone who is about to eat, meaning “I hope you enjoy your food”