Online Class Notes (Li)[W]


Write a restaurant review.


Transition words

Contrast – highlight different points

However/In contrast/On the other hand/Nevertheless/Conversely/Alternatively

Add extra information – point ->detail

In addition/ Furthermore/Also/Besides/Moreover

Emphasis – highlight importance

Especially/Indeed/Without a doubt/In particular/Importantly/Absolutely


First/ly/Second/ly/Third/ly/Finally/Last but not least/Above all/First and foremost

Conclusion – to tie everything together

In conclusion/To conclude/To summarise/In summary/In short/To sum up

bargain: something on sale 廉价

eg. This coat was half-price – what a bargain.

excellent value for money: 物有所值

Writing exercise

I think most people would prefer to receive handmade gifts. Because, it takes more time to design and complete a handmade gift compared with store-bought gift, and then the recipient can feel their importance. In addition, the handmade gift maybe unique which can not bought in store. But now there are some new gifts in between, we can give our design and require the suppliers to complete like calendar/cup showing own design, puzzle with commemorative photo etc.,


I think most people would prefer to receive handmade gifts. Because it takes more time to design and make a handmade gift compared with a store-bought gift. Then, the recipient would be more appreciated/valued by the giver. In addition, the handmade gift is unique because it cannot be bought in store. But now, there are some new gifts that can be customised. We can give/provide our design to the suppliers to print onto things like the calendar, cup or puzzle with our  commemorative photo etc.,