Online Class Notes (Li)[S]


yesterday: the day before today

actor/actress – male/female

sit -> sat (past tense)


helpless: unable to do anything by yourself 无助的

eg. I felt helpless when I saw the thief at the house.

eg. The baby looks so helpless because his mother is nowhere to be seen.

rollercoaster: 过山车


she is coming from 

She comes from Canada – use the present tense to talk about where someone is from

I’m not really understand what she say 

I don’t really understand what she said

It is more easier 


easy – er adjective 

easier – comparative

A is easier than B.

there is/are – singular/plural

there is a man.

there are two men.

Speaking exercise

The room is dark, without light and have scary music so I don’t thinking anymore. I just sat on a chair and I can’t move. I lose my thoughts. My friends is not scary. Yes, because the room is so dark and have scary music. The room is a locked room so I lose my thinking. When I got into the room, I felt I can’t understand it so I tell the workers, I can’t go on so I cancelled the game and I go out. My friends is the the same with me.


The room was dark, without lighting and had scary music so I couldn’t think anymore. I just sat on a chair and I couldn’t move. I lost my thoughts/my ability to think. My friends are not scared. Yes, because the room was so dark and had scary music. The room is a locked room so I lost my ability to think. When I got into the room, I felt uncomfortable/that I couldn’t stand it so I told the workers that  I couldn’t go on so I cancelled the game and I went outside. My friends left with me.


scared – scare-aired