Online Class Notes (Li)[S]


Philippines: 菲律宾

empathy: ability to share someone’s feelings or experiences同情;同感,共鸣

eg. Caring people usually have a high level of empathy.

eg. Not everyone is born with empathy.

empathise – verb

eg. His writing is very popular because most readers can empathise with his characters.

sympathy: understanding and care for someone else’s suffering 同情, 理解

eg. Her family have no sympathy for her – she had mistreated them in the past.

first impression: 第一印象

eg. What is your first impression of her?

eg. Making a good first impression at job interviews is quite important.

reply/respond to messages

spoil: to let a child do whatever they want 溺爱,娇惯;宠坏

eg. Bruno’s mother has spoiled him since he was young so he grew up to be a spoiled brat.

eg. Spoiled children will make a fuss if they don’t get what they want.


half time – half of the time

a lot boxes water – many boxes of water

there is/are – singular/plural 

eg. There is a boy in the classroom.

eg. There are 4 girls in the classroom.

many people are – plural 

eg. Many people are smart.

Speaking exercise

It’s already been 3 days. It’s really hard to control yourself to do useful things.

I am the listener because when I somebody talk to me about something I can understand their feelings. Maybe my friend is more outgoing than me. When I work every time I need to talk to different talking so cabin crew all have feeling. When you see a new colleague you can know when you will become friend. I think I will like to make friends with careful people. I feel relaxed when I meet new people and when I get to them I feel a little nervous.


It’s already been 3 days. It’s really hard to control yourself to make good use of your time/to be productive. 

I am the listener because when somebody talks to me about something, I can understand their feelings/sympathise with them. Maybe my friendare more outgoing than me. Every time when I work, I need to talk to different cabin crew so we all get/have the same feeling. When you see a new colleague you will know/you can sense if you will become friends. I think I would like to make friends with caring people. I feel relaxed when I meet new people and when I get to know them I feel a little nervous.