Online Class Notes (Li)[S]


mashed potatoes: 薯泥

architect: people that design buildings

bottomless drinks: unlimited drinks

Speaking exercise

When I was young I really liked to collect things and luckily, my cousin worked in MCD at that time and he collected everything for me. At that time, I really liked MCD but sometimes, KFC’s toys are much better. I remember that KFC had better game machine. You can play 100s of games. At that time, it was super cool. If a friend or a classmate got one, it was very amazing. At that time KFC can held birthday party. In my neighbourhood, at that time we only have KFC. It’s very popular in KFC. The KFC was just opposite to my primary school.


When I was young I really liked to collect things and luckily, my cousin worked in MCD at that time and he collected everything for me. At that time, I really liked MCD but sometimes, KFC’s toys are much better/more appealing/attractive. I remember that KFC had/offered better game machines/handheld games. You can play 100s of games. Back then, it was super cool. If a friend or a classmate got one, it was so amazing/marvellous. At that time, KFC can hold birthday parties. In my neighbourhood, at that time we only had a KFC. It was very popular/It was a popular choice. The KFC was just opposite to my primary school.