Online Class Notes (Li)[S]


buffet: 自助餐

fried egg: 煎蛋

dormitory: 宿舍

eg. We cannot bring food to our dormitory.

COVID-19/coronavirus: the new virus

mid-term exam: 期中考

eg. Jerry has a mid-term exam next week.

face mask: 口罩

cafeteria: 食堂

eg. I hate the food in the cafeteria.

Speaking exercise

I see my classmate and I’m so happy and one people my classmate Ruth, he doesn’t come to school. He from Wuhan and his home at Wuhan so he cannot come now. He has done the test and the 教育局 want them to stay at home first. He is good too. This week he still have online class. The teacher put the computer on the table so he can have class. All the students took the test already. Every day I will wear the 口罩. In the classroom, we can take it off. But, in the 食堂 we must wear it.


I can see my classmates and I’m so happy and one of my classmate’s Ruth, he doesn’t come to school. He is from Wuhan and his home is in Wuhan so he cannot come now. He has done the test and the Education Bureau want people from Wuhan to stay at home first. He is good too. This week, he still has online classes. The teacher put the computer on the table so he can have class. All the students took the test already. Every day I will wear the face mask. In the classroom, we can take it off. But, in the cafeteria we must wear it.


buffet – bu – fey