Online Class Notes (Li)[S]

Today we focused on:


Killer Whale Facts!


roller coaster: an exciting ride at the amusement park 过山车

scary: 恐怖的

eg. I don’t like scary movies

dizzy: 眩晕的

sea lion: a large seal 海狮

orca: a killer whale 虎鲸


swan: a large white bird with a long neck 天鹅

penguins: a black and white bird that can’t fly 企鹅

seal: 海豹

it’s included – 有包含

species: 种,物种

eg. two different species

Speaking exercise

The exam like homework and I can do it at night and have picture and I send it to my teacher. Only something I don’t know.

Saturday, I go outside. I go to the SH Ocean Park. There’s a lot of people. I go there see some show and ride the rollercoaster and it was scary. I felt my head dizzy. I think it was fun. I saw the sealion and the whale. I like the orca the best.


The exam is like homework and I can do it at night and then take a picture and send it to my teacher. There is only one thing that I don’t know.

On Saturday, I went outside. I went to SH Ocean Park. There’s a lot of people. I went there to watch some shows and I rode the rollercoaster and it was scary. My head felt dizzy. I think it was fun. I saw the sea lion and the whale. I like the orca the best.