Online Class Notes (Li)[S]


in a way: to a certain extent

eg. In a way, I hope he doesn’t win.

eg. In a way, you’re right.

gossip(v): to talk about other people

eg. People in our company love to gossip.

gossip (n): conversation or reports about other people’s private lives that might be unkind, disapproving, or not true

eg. I’ve got some juicy gossip for you.

eg. Have you heard the latest gossip.


I listen wrong – I didn’t listen carefully/I didn’t hear you

Speaking exercise

I’m not thinking about the plan, maybe on Friday, I will know. Before, I usually went to hang around shopping in one day. Then the other day, usually I stay at home, sleep or did some housework. Sometimes I will go to have lunch or dinner with my friends. Recently, I more often went to work overtime. The friends I often met before went to their hometown for several months. They have left SH for four months so they will come back soon. If the colleague is just a colleague, I seldom hang out with them. If the colleague becomes my friends, I will hang out with them. I have two friends now who were my colleague in the last company. In the current company, I only have one colleague. We often talk something about the company.


I don’t have any plans yet, maybe I’ll know what to do on Friday. Back then, I usually went shopping for the whole day. For the other day, I usually stayed at home to sleep or did some housework. Sometimes I would go to have lunch or dinner with my friends. Recently, I often worked overtime. The friends I often met before went back to their hometown for several months. They have left SH for four months so they will come back soon. If the colleague is just a colleague then I seldom hang out with him/her. If the colleague becomes my friend, I will hang out with him/her. I have two friends now who were my colleagues in the last company. In the current company, I only have one colleague who is my friend. We often gossip about the company.