Online Class Notes (Li)[S]


bungalows: 平房

blaring: unpleasant loud sound 刺耳的声音

eg. The radio was blaring out heavy metal music.

Speaking exercise

Before all the things is nature, everything just for the tourist. Before it was quiet and beautiful. I think that most of the place is just like this. But, because of the economic, want to more tourist come and to improve the living life quality, to gain more money and need to build more buildings, hotel etc. That would be impact the environment and also the lifestyles.

I think I will talk about the difference in three parts: the environment, the people and the economy. First, for environment, in past it’s quiet and peaceful, but now, there are so many tourists, it’s noisy. The second it’s local people’s live, in the past there’s no so many traffic on the road so it’s more safety for the people to walking on the road. But now, it’s not so safe, they were afraid to go through the way. The third part is economy, compare the past there are more income from tourists.


Before, there was nothing but nature. Now, everything is just for tourists. It was quiet and beautiful before/in the past. I think that most places are just like this. But, because of the strong economy, more tourists would visit and the quality of life would improve. So, the locals could earn more money and more buildings and hotels would be built. This would have a huge impact on the environment and also, people’s lives. 

I think I will talk about the three differences;  the environment, the people and the economy. First, in terms of the environment in the past, it’s quiet and peaceful, but now, there are so many tourists so it’s noisy. Secondly, local people did not live with so much traffic on the road so it was more safe for people to walk on the road. But now, it’s not so safe so people are afraid to walk on the road. Thirdly/Lastly, the economy compared to the past is better now because people receive more income from tourists. 


beach – be-each

surfers – sah-fers

jobs – jaw-bs

album – el-bum

blue – ba-lue