Online Class Notes (Li)[S]


Finish reading the text. Write a summary of the reading. What happened to Coconut Island? Write down new vocabulary that you are unsure of.


in the middle of/mid +month 

past year papers: 历年考题

practice questions: 练习题

mock papers: 模拟题

mock exam: 模拟考

career change: 转行

shift work: 轮班

Bachelor’s degree: 学士

Master’s degree: 硕士

I will try again/ I will have another go


graduated exams – graduate exams

Speaking exercise

It totally have six subjects and each subjects will have one test so I need to pass this test. It is very difficult and this morning I learnt financial management, it is very hard to understand. I listen to the class online and read the book and do some practice questions. Some subjects are difficult but if you spend enough time on it, you can pass it. It’s not so difficult for people who learn accounting at university. I know the basic knowledge about it. Some of my friends went to study accounting like participate in the CPA exams. But, I didn’t suggest them to get a career change, at least to change to accounting because in this industry the competition is very high. Accounting is a stable job and the job is routine and you don’t need to work at night. Sometimes you also need to work overtime but you don’t always work too late.


In total, there are six subjects and each subject has one exam so I need to pass this exam. It is very difficult and this morning I studied financial management and it is very hard to understand. I listened to the online class, read the book and did/complete some practice questions. Some subjects are difficult but if you spend enough time on it, you can pass them. It’s not so difficult for people who study accounting at university. I know the basic knowledge about it. Some of my friends who did not study accounting for their Bachelor’s degree decided/considered having a career change. But, I didn’t suggest them/I advised them against it because in this industry the competition is very high/it is very competitive. Accounting is a stable job and the job has a fixed routine and you don’t need to work at night. Sometimes you also need to work overtime but you don’t always work late. 


read – reed (present tense)

read – red (past tense)