Online Class Notes (Li)[S]


compete: to take part in a race or competition

eg. Are you competing in the swimming competition

episode: 一集

eg. There are 20 episodes in this season.

eliminate: to get rid of someone so they cannot continue in the 淘汰

eg. My favourite singer was eliminated last episode.

contestant: someone who participates in a competition 竞争者

eg. The contestants are very busy preparing their performances.

a friend of a friend /my friend’s friend

over the moon: extremely happy

eg. He has been over the moon since last week because he found out that he got a new job.

passer-by: 路人

hitch a ride: to get a free ride in someone else’s vehicle 搭便车

eg. He hitched a ride from a passing van.

lift: to get a free ride in a vehicle

nick of time: just in time

eg. You got here in the nick of time—we’re just about to start the show.

eg. I made it to the boarding gate in the nick of time.

Speaking exercise

I watched a TV show recently. It’s a singers and they compete with each other. It’s a famous TV show. Before they come to the TV show, they are already singers. I know most of them but there are maybe one singer that I don’t know. This season I like one of them and his name is Zhou Shen. His voice sounds like a little girl’s voice but when you hear, you know his voice is not a girl’s but in between girl and boy. Last year he attended another TV show and I knew him from that TV show. There is a winner every episode and every time they need to compete. The result of every season is depend on what they do every episode. If you have to leave this TV show, a new one will come in and the new one and the rest will compete again. In the seasons before, there are some singers that I like very much, but he/she was eliminated. The singers who left, I also like to watch them.


I watched a TV show recently. It’s a singing competition and/It’s called “Singers” in Chinese and the contestants compete with each other. It’s a famous TV show.  The contestants are already singers before they compete/join this TV show. I know most of them but there is probably one singer that I’m not sure of. This season I like one of them and his name is Zhou Shen. His voice sounds like a little girl’s voice but when you listen closely/listen carefully, you know his voice is not a girl’s but somewhere in between a girl and a boy/somewhere in the middle. Last year, he attended another TV show and I found out about him from that TV show. There is a winner every episode and they need to compete every episode. The result of every season is depends on what they do every episode. If you get eliminated,  a new contestant will come in/will join to replace you and everyone will compete again. In the seasons before/In the previous seasons, there were some singers that I liked very much, but he/she was eliminated. I also like to watch the singers left in the competition.