Online Class Notes (Li)[S]


event – any activity that can be a race, competition or social

pass – to be successful in an exam, competition, course 通过

a bit of time – a little time

final/last round – 最åŽ

spend – to give money to pay for sth

ex. spend money

follow – to go where sbd goes

ex. The dog follows him wherever he goes.

ex. Mr Bean followed his neighbours to the secret location.

robbers – people that steal money

ex. Mr Bean thought that his neighbours are robbers.

Speaking exercise

In school, there is a huo dong is about Spelling Bee. I only passed level one level two and level three no. No, not for the high school student.

In school, there is an event which is called the Spelling Bee. I only passed level one but I did not pass level two and level three. No, not for the high school students.

Only do my homework and play video games.

I only do my homework and play video games.

Eat and spend less money.

(I want to) spend less money on eating. 

The first one is Mr Bean see a video is about a super spy like 007. He buy a lot of things about spy. He used a little camera to take a lot of photo about his neighbours. Then, he followed them and take a lot of photo. He took many photos and they look like robbers. He see his neighbours, other woman on the car. He take photo at the police office and go to the place. They go there and he saw they are having a birthday party. It’s only surprise party.


The first one showed that Mr Bean watched a video which is about a super spy like 007. He bought a lot of spy gear. He used a little camera to take a lot of photos of his neighbours. Then, he followed them and took many photos. He took many photos and they look like robbers. He saw his neighbours and another woman in the car. He took the photos to the police station and they went to the place. They went there and he saw that they were having a birthday party. It’s only a surprise party.