Online Class Notes (Lily)[S/R/W]


what are the rules in your class?


good (adj)= describes a noun
ex: a good teacher, a good car, a good boy, a good girl

well (adv)= describes a verb
ex: sleep well, dance well, sing well, draw well


1. swollen (adj)= 肿了
ex: My face is swollen in the morning.

2. detention (noun)= 留堂 stay after school
ex: If you do bad things in school, you will get a detention.
ex: I don’t want detention because I want to go home.

3. kit= 装备
ex: If you are hurt, then you need to use the first-aid kit.

4. clearly (adv)= 清楚的
ex: If I speak clearly, then Joe can understand.
ex: I speak clearly, but he can’t understand what I say.

5. trainers (noun)= 运动鞋👟
ex: If you play basketball, you need to wear trainers.
ex: I wear my trainers to run.

Speaking exercise

I go to my grandma and grandpa’s house everyday. I have two grandmas, one in ChongMing, one in Shanghai, near to me. I go to there to study because my mom go to work. I should go to my grandpa’s house to learn. We can see it on the television. I can’t see my teacher on the TV, but it isn’t the teacher in the school. I just can learn good at school.


I go to my grandma and grandpa’s house everyday. I have two grandmas, one in ChongMing, one in Shanghai, who is closer to me. I go to there to study because my mom goes to work. I have to go to my grandpa’s house to learn. I have online classes on the television. I can’t see my teacher on the TV, because he’s not my school  teacher. I can only learn well in school.


Peter kicked his desk and walked out of the classroom.

‘Hey!’ shouted Mr Clark, the maths teacher, to Peter’s back. ‘Detention!’ he called, but Peter didn’t stop. Peter often walked out of class.

Maria didn’t have her sports kit for class again. It was the second time this term. ‘I forgot it,’ she told the teacher. But it wasn’t true.

‘What’s wrong, Maria?’ asked her mother when the school called her. ‘I put your clean sports kit on your bed this morning.’

‘Nothing, Mum,’ said Maria very quietly.

‘Look at me and speak clearly,’ said her mother, angry. ‘I can’t understand you.’

Maria didn’t look up. She didn’t want to answer any questions. She didn’t want her mum to find the dress or the trainers either. Maria didn’t want to explain where they came from. If her mum saw them there would be a lot more questions. Questions that Maria didn’t want to answer.

‘Fine. But if you don’t tell me, I can’t help you.’

Writing exercise

One day WangLiFu who is bigger and stronger than me hit my back. I hit back and he fell down. Them anther person saw this. He know Wang is bigger than me. He hit me too. I fought with them. In the end, Rafa’s tooth broken. My hand was red.


One day WangLiFu, who is bigger and stronger than me hit my back. I hit back and he fell down. Then another person saw this. He knew Wang is bigger than me. He hit me too. I fought with them. In the end, Rafa’s tooth fell. My hand was red/ swollen.