Online Class Notes (Lily) [W/S]


1. vulnerable= 脆弱的
ex: Babies are very vulnerable, we need to treat them with care.
ex: When you are at your most vulnerable times, you will feel very depressed.

2.subordinate (noun)= 下属
ex: I have one subordinate who reports directly to me.

3. colleagues/ co-workers= people who work with you

4. work efficiency= 工作效率
ex: I think this kind of communication helps to improve our work efficiency and also helps to get along with colleagues.

Speaking exercise

in your job life, to keep your life and work separate can improve the speed of your work.

It’s important to separate your personal life and work, to improve the work efficiency.

Writing exercise

What are your views on leadership?
Leadership is a power that organize different people to do one thing. Before my son was young, I educated my son to be a leader. When he played guns with other children. I saw he just follow other children to do things. I encouraged he could thought some good points to share with other children. But it doesn’t work. My son looks so hesitated, I told him don’t be shy. But he couldn’t do it. Sometimes I think leadership was ability it from born.
Gradually I found my thinking was wrong. Because my talking way with my son was wrong. Because leadership is not to lead some people. You should discover the people advantages and let that people do something.


What are your views on leadership?
Leadership is a power that organizes different people to do one thing. When my son was young, I educated my son to be a leader. When he played toy guns with other children, I saw that he just followed other children to do things. I encouraged him to share his ideas with other children. But it didn’t work. My son looked so hesitated, I told him don’t be shy. But he couldn’t do it. Sometimes I think leadership is an inborn ability. 
Gradually I found out/realized that I was wrong,  the way I talked to my son was wrong. leadership is not only leading/guiding some people. You should discover people’s advantages and vulnerabilities and let them find their values.