Online Class Notes (Lily) [W]


what is your favorite kind of food? Why?


1.mask= kou Zhao
ex: I bought lots of masks for the coronavirus.

2. pork= 猪肉
ex: do you like to eat pork?

3. beef= 牛肉
ex: I don’t like to eat beef in the restaurant, I think chicken is better.

4. lamb= 羊肉
ex: I don’t like to eat lamb because I don’t like taste.

5. skewer= 串串
ex: do you like BBQ skewers?
ex: I like chicken skewers.

Writing exercise

My old brother is called Rocky. He is four years older than me. He is my dad’s brother’s son. He likes riding his bicycle, playing lego and playing clay very much. My flat is two miles alway from his flat. He is good at math and can recite many peoms. Sometimes I teach him ukulele and he teach me how to fight. in Chongming we usually play together in the playground and play football. I like him very much.


My older brother is called Rocky. He is four years older than me. He is my dad’s brother’s son. He likes riding his bicycle, playing lego and playing with clay very much. My flat is two miles away from his flat. He is good at math and can recite many poems. Sometimes I teach him ukulele and he teaches me how to fight. in Chongming we usually play together in the playground and play football. I like him very much.