Online Class Notes (Lily) [S]


what are your opinions on take-aways?


1.catfishing= 网络自夸
ex: most people catfish on facebook to attract young girls.

2. eavesdrop (verb)= 窃听 偷听 隔墙有耳
ex: Beware of eavesdropping.
ex: I always eavesdrop on my mom’s conversation with my dad regarding us.
ex: I always eavesdrop on the conversation my boss has with other team members.


Speaking exercise

to what extent should we share to our colleagues? to our family?

I think sharing information is very critical in working environment, it can help you to build up connection with other people. It’s also a big problem to draw a line to what should you share and what shouldn’t you share. I think that’s very imporntant in a carrer, because rumours can cause bad influence. I have some very simple primpricples,: never be too honest, because you cannot trust anyone in any circumstances, so you need to save abuffer for yourself. For example, maybe you want to apply for a position, and people ask you, you would never say “I will apply the brand marketing position”. You never know who this guy will talk to other people.

second one is that only talk about working things, never talk about your own personal things. I have a management trainee, she was fired because she didn’t meet the expections of the company, bad performace. But you never know how her performance, but she didn’t do very well, because she didn’t build up a good reputation, she let others thought she only talk about her peronsal things, her relationship, she never talks about work. Others will think she talk about anything except work, people will judge.

the third is that you need to treat everyone equally, you never show you have a preference for any colelagues, at least on the surface, you treat him euqally, because you never know who’s gonna go up or down. You need to treat them all well, you need to be all-rounded person. If you gossip, you cannot talk behind their back.


I think sharing information is very critical in working environment, it can help you to build up connections with other people. It’s also a big problem to draw the line of the amount/extent of information you should share. I think that’s very imporntant in a caerer, because flying rumours can cause negative influences. I have some very simple principles,: never be too honest, because you cannot trust anyone under any circumstances, so you need to save a buffer for yourself. For example, maybe you want to apply for a position, and when people ask you, you would never say “I will apply the brand marketing position”. You never know whether what you say will be leaked/ if your words would be used to other people’s advantage. 

second one is that only talk about things related to work, never talk about your own personal things. There was a management trainee who was fired because she didn’t meet the expections of the company due to bad performance. But you never know how she was, but she didn’t do very well, because she didn’t build up a good reputation, she let others thought/were convinced that she only talked about her peronsal life, her relationship, she never talked about work, she was heavily judged. 

the third is that you need to treat everyone equally, you never show you have a preference for anyone specific, at least on the surface, you treat people euqally, because you never know who’s gonna be promoted. You need to treat them all well, you need to be well-rounded person. If you gossip, you cannot talk behind their back, people might eavedrop on the conversations.