Online Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.break into= 闯入 硬闯
ex: the thief broke into my house last night.

2. faint (verb)= 晕倒
ex: when I see blood, I will faint.
ex: when he sees a scary movie, he will faint.

3. spill (verb)= 打翻 洒出来
ex: I spilled hot coffee on my mom, she was very angry.
ex: She is very careless, she always spills the bottle of water.

4. trip (verb)= 滑倒
ex: I tripped over a banana peel.
ex: I tripped because the floor is too wet.

Speaking exercise

What was David doing last night when the lights went out? He was cooking some food
What was Mr and Mrs Park doing last night when the lights went out? They were watching TV
What was Helen doing last night when the lights went out? She was washing her hair.
What were you and your brother doing last night when the lights went out? We were doing homework.
What was larry doing last night when the lights went out? He was vacuuming the room.