Online Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.advanced civilisation= 高级文明
ex: advanced civilization may live safely without being visible from the outside.

2. predict= 预知
ex: I can predict the ending of the movie.

3. food chain= 食物链
ex: we are on top of the food chain, we will erase all threats.

4. pawn= 棋子
ex: maybe we are just pawns for a more advanced civilization.

Speaking exercise

Recently, I read some books, they show me opinions or topics which was a long time ago, like ancient dynasties. People can handle a high civilization and can predict something will happen. They also have a high intelligence, and control a lot of scientist way to control something. On the other hand, they emphasize people in the world now, they only have 5% of intelligence of ancient people. I didn’t know this topic before, I felt a little bit surprised and horrible. What happened to let people lose their civilization and intelligence.


Recently, I read some books, they describe different opinions and topics on ancient dynasties. People can take on an advanced civilization and can predict the future. They also have a high intelligence, and use technologies to get things done. On the other hand, they emphasize that people nowadays only have 5% of the intelligence of ancient people. I wasn’t familiar with this topic before, I was a little bit surprised and felt horrible. What have caused people to lose their civilization and intelligence?