Online Class Notes (Lily) [S]


it’s a good opportunity to improve himself.  


1.enlist= join
ex: he needs to be enlisted in the army for two years.

2. examine (verb)= the verb for exam
ex: he must examine his body in Shanghai.

3. express (verb)= 表达
ex: I can’t express what I wan to say in English.

4. immerse= 沉浸
ex: if you want to immerse yourself in a language, you could change your phone setting to that language.

5. improvise (verb)= make up XX å³å…´çžŽç¼–
ex: If you’re doing a presentation and you forget what you want to say, then you must improvise on the spot.

6. on the spot= right at the moment
ex: I couldn’t remember her name on the spot, it was an awkward moment.
ex: I was super nervous on the spot, I was blank.

Speaking exercise

About five years ago, the high speed rail was developed well. We should drive the car to another city in the highway, so the traffic jam was heavy in the highway. The car accident happen suddenly, then we must waited the pilot to solve the accident, we just have to move in. I remembered we waited for about three hours, then we have to go to our destination. I feel nervous and boring when I were in the traffic jam, because we can’t do anything, just stay at the car, or you just walk in the highway, until you could drive your car.


About five years ago, the high speed train was not developed well. We had to drive the car to another city via highway, so the traffic jam was really heavy on the highway. One day, when I was on my way from HZ to SH, unluckily, there was a car accident in front of me. then we had to wait for the policeman to clear the road, so we could move forward bit by bit. I remembered that we waited for about three hours before we could go to our destination. I was nervous and bored when I was/ during in the traffic jam, because we couldn’t do anything other than/ except for staying in the car, or walking on the highway, until you could drive your car. 

We can’t plan everything. Accidents always happen, we should accept the accidents in our life, then we could do everything with a positive mind, knowing time and understanding will solve all conflicts.Â