Online Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.more or less= around that
ex: is it ok if i give you 10 quarters and 5 nickels? “more or less“.
ex: Everyone of us, more or less, play on the phone for 5 hours a day.

2. disrespect/ disrespectful
ex: if people are disrespectful to me, I would be set off.

3.hilarious= too funny
ex: Indian guys think they have really good English pronounciation, this is hilarious.

4. punchline= xiao dian
ex: I get all his punchlines.

Speaking exercise

Yesterday I made an appointment with my CFO, can i have a few minutes to have some words. This morning I walked into her office and I asked her what i’m confused aobut.


Yesterday I made an appointment with my CFO to see if I could have a few minutes to have some words. This morning I walked into her office and I asked her what i was confused aobut.