Online Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1. positive feedback= 反馈良好
ex: we had a positive feedback with our live stream.
ex: Burbeery had a positive feedback given the number of views on the platform.

2. brink of XX= XX的边缘
ex: The stock market was at the brink of collapse.
ex: He’s at the brink of death due to the car accident.

3. nice try= 不错的尝试
ex: Nice try, it’s ok, we can play again next time.

4. first attempt= 第一次尝试/初体验
ex: It was our first attempt to do a live broadcasting.

5. million= 百万
ex: 4 millions= 4百万
ex: 30 millions= 30个百万= 3千万
ex: 5.4 million= 540万

6. holding up=坚持住
ex: are you guys holding up? 你们还坚持得住吗?
ex: we’re holding up just fine.
ex: we’re barely holding up.= 我们快坚持不住了。

Speaking exercise

I’m learning how to do livestreaming on Tmall, because the sales drop, so we need to try something new to attract customers, no matter online or offline. We have Tmall store, we can link the livestream to directly to our Tmall store.  We already set our first livestream. We invite a KOL in our flagship store to introduce our product, to have some interaction with customers. We have attract almost 1.4 million online to view the livestream. It’s quite good for us because this kind of format first time. It’s quite good start point. Last week, LV also did a livestream on RedBook, which is not very good from the customer’s comments. It was not very high end compare to the brand image, the set-up was low, it’s a little bit awkward during the livestream. The host was also Yvonne with ZhongChuXi.

We will focus on branding, like we are do the live streaming in our store. It’s a good try, we will do maybe April every week. LV set up a room to put some decorations and installation of their campaign, so it doesn’t look nice.


I’m learning how to do livestreaming / live broadcast on Tmall, because the sales dropped, so we need to try something new to attract customers, no matter online and offline. We have Tmall store, we can link the livestream to directly to our Tmall store.  We already had our first livestream. We invited a KOL to our flagship store to introduce our products, and to interact with customers. We have attracted almost 1.4 million views for the livestream. It’s quite good for us because it was the first time we did it. It’s quite good start point. Last week, LV also did a livestream on RedBook, but the feedback wasn’t good. It was not very high end in relative to the brand image, the set-up was low, it was a little bit awkward during the livestream. The host was also Yvonne, and her guest was  with ZhongChuXi.

We will focus on branding, like we are do the live streaming in our store. It was worth the try, we will do one starting in  April every week. LV set up a room to put some decorations and installation of their campaign, so it didn’t look nice.