Online Class Notes (Lily) [S]


my       our
your    their

you can call their parents. This is their dog.
This dog is theirs. 
This car is theirs.
This bicyle is ours. 

Speaking exercise

Should students be allowed to bring their phone to class?

Yes, the phone can make the class more quickly because they can have a photo with the note, so they don’t need to use time to make note.

Phone can help people to do their homework, because they can do their homework on the phone. Now I’m do my homework on the phone because I cannot give the paper homework to my teacher.

If they have some mistakes, the teacher can find their parents number on the student’s phone, so it’s more quickly.

In conclusion, this is why I think students need to bring their phone to class. Bring the phone to class can make the class more quickly and easier to give teacher the homework, and tell them parents more quickly.


Should students be allowed to bring their phone to class?

Yes, the phone can help students to take notes quicker because they can take a photo of the note, so they don’t need to use time to make notes.

Phone can help people to do their homework, because they can do their homework on the phone. Now I’m doing my homework on the phone because I cannot give the hardcopy to my teacher.

If the students make some mistakes, the teacher can find their parents number on the student’s phone, so it’s more convenient.

In conclusion, these are the reasons why I think students need to bring their phone to class. Bringing the phone to class can make the class progress quickly and it’s easier for the teachers to assign the homework, and tell their parents when needed.