Online Class Notes (Lily) [S]


carnivore= animals that eat meat
ex: T-Rex is a carnivore.
ex: Lions and Tigers are carnivore.

herbivore= animals that eat grass
ex: Sheep is herbivore.
ex: Rabbits and horses are herbivores.

Speaking exercise

This morning, I’m picking up some presents for my kid for Christmas. My son just asked me to tell the vendor, he wants a warcraft. For my daughter, she wants the toy for Elsa from the movie Frozen. I took her to the cinema last weekend, she’s a big fan of this movie. She ask me a lot of questions about the parts she cannot understand. Her question is a little difficult, “where there is a king and queen in the movie, but there’s not king in China?” When kids grow up, it’s harder and harder to deal with them. My son is 6 years old and my daughter is 4 years old. They fight for a toy or for a pen. Most of the time, my son is stronger, of course he wins, then my daughter crying. I think they need to learn how to deal with the argument.


This morning, I’m picked up some presents for my kids for Christmas. My son just asked me to tell the center that he wants a warcraft. For my daughter, she wants the Elsa toy from the movie Frozen. I took her to the cinema last weekend, she’s a big fans of this movie. She asked me a lot of questions about the parts she could not understand. Her question was a little difficult, “Why is there a king and queen in the movie, but there’s no king in China?” When kids grow up, it’s harder and harder to deal with them. My son is 6 years old and my daughter is 4 years old. They fight for a toy or for a pen. Most of the time, my son is stronger, so  he wins, then my daughter would cry. I think they need to learn how to deal with daily arguments.