Online Class Notes (Lily) [R/S]


1. aunt= gugu, ayi
ex: I need to go to my aunt’s birthday this week.

2. uncle= bobo, shushu
ex: I saw uncle Ben last week.

3. neighbor (noun)= Lin ju
ex: are you friends with your neighbors?

Speaking exercise

what did you do today?

in the 10 am, I woke up and ate breakfast. I will go to ChengDu this week, I will buy ticket. My aunt’s birthday is coming.

Mr Molina is listening to the radio. Ms Roberts is reading the newspaper. John and Julie Carter are playing the basketball. Jenny Chung is reading the book in the library. Mr and Mrs Sharp are washing their jackets in the laundromat.  Danny Williams is fixing his bicycle. Patty Williams is washing her car. Bob Davis is cooking dinner in the restaurant. Mr and Mrs Lopez are eating dinner in the restaurant. Charlie Harris is doing his exercises in the health club. I am eating dinner with the Lopez family.


I woke up at 10 am and ate breakfast. I will go to ChengDu this week, I will buy the ticket today. My aunt’s birthday is coming.

Mr Molina is listening to the radio. Ms Roberts is reading the newspaper. John and Julie Carter are playing the basketball. Jenny Chung is reading the book in the library. Mr and Mrs Sharp are washing their jackets in the laundromat.  Danny Williams is fixing his bicycle. Patty Williams is washing her car. Bob Davis is cooking dinner in the restaurant. Mr and Mrs Lopez are eating dinner in the restaurant. Charlie Harris is doing his exercises in the health club. I am eating dinner with the Lopez family.


Everybody at 159 River Street is very busy today. Mr Price is cleaning his bedroom. Ms Hunter is painting her bathroom. Ricky Gomez is feeding his cat. Mr and Mrs Wong are washing their clothes. Mrs Martin is doing her exercises. And Judy and Larry Clark are fixing their car.

I’m busy to. I’m washing my washing and of course, I’m watching all my neighbors. It’s a very busy day at 159 River Street.