Online Class Notes (Lily)


mainland= may n land

blame= blay m


do you come to here often?


1.pretentious (adj)= 做作的
ex: he’s very pretentious with everyone.

2. goose bumps (noun)= 鸡皮疙瘩
ex: he gave me goose bumps.

3. hit on XX= like XX 搭讪XX
ex: he’s just hitting on us, he didn’t really need help.

4. hoard (verb)= 囤
ex: During coronavirus, people hoard food.

5. callus= 茧
ex: I had 8 calluses on my hands and I removed them at the clinic.

6. if they can’t make your day, they can’t make it more miserable (than it already is)

7. spoil the fun= 扫兴
ex: he spoiled the fun when he asked me “do you think it’s funny?”