Online Class Notes (Lily)


do a writing using the words we learned today.


1.fasting= 节食
ex: some people choose to fast for 2 days for religious purposes.

2. suicide= 自杀
ex: i think she suicided. 

3. religious (adj)= 宗教的
religion= 宗教
ex: are you religious? Yes I’m a Christian.

4. superficial (adj)= 表面的 肤浅的
ex: her belief in Buddha is very superficial.

5. Pope= 教皇
ex: the Pope is a very powerful person.

6. guilty (adj)= 内疚
ex: when they are guilty, they will give more offerings.

7. repent (verb)= 忏悔
ex: if you repent your sins, you will be saved.

8. judge= 评判
ex: we shouldn’t judge other people’s profession.

9. church= 教堂 教会
ex: I used to go to the church every week.

10. doubt (verb)= 质疑
ex: I doubt she’s sleeping.
ex: Do you think he will come tonight? I doubt it.
ex: there’s no doubt that you will live for another 40 years.