Online Class Notes (Lily) [S]


watch “butterfly effect” (movie)


1. edible (adj)= 可吃的
ex: My cooking is not edible, I suck at cooking.

2. wisdom teeth= 智齿
ex: I pulled out four wisdom teeth when I was young.

3. historical site= 古迹
ex: YuYuan is one of the historical site in Shanghai.

Speaking exercise

During the Spring festival, I was planning to go to Xi’An to visit some old history places. Maybe traveling abroad is more safe, but last minute I cancelled because I was afraid that I cannot come back. If in the plane there were some patients. We went to our parent’s house and came back on the fifth day of the CNY. During these days, we only have two things: cooking and working. He’s studying through internet class, just like our class.


During the Spring festival, I was planning to go to Xi’An to visit some historical sites. Maybe traveling abroad would be safer, but I cancelled last minute because I was afraid that I could not come back if there were some infected people on the plane. We went to our parent’s house and came back on the fifth day of the CNY. During these days, we only did two things: cooking and working. He’s studying online/ having online classes, just like our class.