Online Class Notes (Lily)


same= say m


1. meaningless (adj)= 没意义
ex: I don’t like to do meaningless things.

2. pointless (adj)= 没点
ex: I don’t date married man, it’s pointless.
ex: I think it’s pointless to wake up early in the morning, because there’s nothing to do.
ex: if people drink all day, it’s pointless.

3. control freak= 控制狂
ex: he is a control freak, he likes to look at my phone.
ex: I hate control freaks, they make me feel unhappy.

4. react (verb)= 反应
reaction (noun)= 反应
ex: you can see how he reacts
ex: you can see his reaction.

5.  ruin (verb)= 毁
ex: he said that I ruined his life.

6. tolerate (verb)= 忍
tolerance (noun)= 忍耐
ex: I can’t tolerate him anymore, I don’t love him.
ex: I don’t have any tolerance for him.