Online Class Notes (Lily) [W]


1.antibiotics= 抗生素
ex: The doctor prescribed antibiotics for my son.
ex: My son is allergic to antibiotics. 

2. rash= 疹子
ex: My son has rash on his arms.

3. allergy (noun) =过敏
ex: I have peanut allergy. = I am allergic to peanuts. 我对花生过敏
ex: My son had severe allergy. 我儿子有很严重的过敏

Writing exercise

Before Tomb-sweeping day I arranged a fulfilling holiday plan. I bought 2 tickets of Dumbo and prepared one Dumbo kite. In the 1st day morning, when I helped my son to brush his tooth he said “Mum I feel uncomfortable”. I touched his forehead and I felt bad, my son had a fever. After took his temperature I decided to bring him to hospital to exclude the flu.
We went to a public hospital and my son didn’t have flu but his white blood cell number reached 20k (normal range is 5-10k). The doctor indicated us to take the drop but I refused because my son didn’t have drop before and I didn’t want my son to use this aggressive treatment method.


Before Tomb-sweeping day, I arranged a fulfilling holiday plan. I bought 2 movie tickets to watch Dumbo and bought one Dumbo kite. In the 1st day morning, when I helped my son to brush his teeth he said “Mum I don’t feel well”. I felt his forehead and I felt horrible, my son had a fever. After taking his temperature I decided to bring him to the hospital to rule out the flu.
We went to a public hospital and my son didn’t have the flu but his white blood cell number reached 20k (normal range is 5-10k). The doctor suggested us to take the IV but I refused because my son has never had IV before and I didn’t want my son to use this intense method of treatment.