Online Class Notes (Li)


line up/queue up/wait in line

skip the line: not having to line up

specialist: a doctor who has received special training in a particular area 专科医生

eg. He is a leading eye specialist.

insurance: 保险

eg. life/health/travel insurance

newcomer/newbie: someone who has just started a new activity, job etc. 新手

eg. The newcomer in our department is only 22 years old.

income/salary/wage: the pay you get from your job

eg. The average income people earn isn’t enough for them to afford a house in SH.

older relatives/elders in my family

property development: buying, selling and building buildings and land

the grass is always greener on the other side(proverb): people always think they would be happier in a different situation


I need to take a line for more than 30 minutes – I need to line up/wait in line for more than 30 minutes

if you have the money to buy a house – if you are financially capable of buying a house/if you can afford a house 

we just followed our parents’ thinking – we just followed/fulfilled our parents’ wishes/ abide by our parents’ wishes 

at the first time when we moved to the apartment – at first when we moved to the apartment/when we initially moved to the apartment

if the time can return again – if I can go back in time