Online Class Notes (Li)


I’m good/great/fine/not good

I’m doing fine/well

mistress: 二奶

mystery: 悬疑,谜,神秘

shy away from sth: to avoid something that you dislike, fear, or do not feel confident about 退缩,躲避,畏避

eg. I’ve never shied away from hard work.

eg. I shy away from religious cult followers.

legit: 合法的,正当的

eg. I’m not getting involved in this fundraising scheme if it isn’t legit.


next week we would all back to normal – next week we would all go back/return to normal 

the location I work – my work location/my workplace 

it’s too late to get back to home – it’s too late for me to head back home

travel back from SH and TW – travel back and forth between SH and TW

when I was live in Gubei – when I lived in Gubei….

a different thinking way – a different way of thinking 

high education – highly educated 

kill rate – the mortality rate