Online Class Notes (Li)



demeaning: to cause someone to become less respected

eg. The entire family was demeaned by his behaviour.

conservation: to protect plants, animals or natural areas from the damaging effect of human activity.

eg. wildlife conservation

eg. Recent conservation efforts of tigers have helped to increase the number of tigers in the wild.

thrive: to grow, develop, or be successful

eg. Some people thrive on the challenge of intense workloads.

prohibit: to officially not allow something

eg. Smoking in restaurants is prohibited by law.

ban: to forbid something, especially officially

eg. The film was banned in several countries.

marine: of the sea

eg. marine creatures, marine biologist

captive: a person or animal whose ability to move or act freely is limited by being kept in a space.

eg. Captive animals don’t have the freedom to move around in their natural environment.


the market sold things unlegal – the market sold things that are illegal 


aquariums: akua-ri-ums

demeaning: de-mee-ning

thrive: th(the)-rive